Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

arti lagu Fatal Tragedy Dream Theater

Fatal Tragedy by Dream Theater

Alone at night
Sendiri di malam hari

I feel so strange
Perasaanku sangat aneh

I need to find
Harus kutemukan

All the answers to my dreams
Segala jawab dari mimpi-mimpiku

When I sleep at night
Saat kuterlelap di malam hari

I hear the cries
Kudengar tangisan

What does this mean?
Apa arti semua ini?

I shut the door and traveled to another home
Kututup pintu dan berjalan ke rumah lain

I met an older man, he seemed to be alone
Berjumpa dengan seorang tua, dia tampak sendirian

I felt that I could trust him
Aku merasa bisa mempercayainya

He talked to me that night
Dia bicara padaku malam itu

"Lad did you know a girl was murdered here?"
"Nak, tahukah kau seorang gadis dibunuh di sini?"

"This fatal tragedy was talked about for years"
"Tragedi fatal ini diperbincangkan bertahun-tahun"

Victoria's gone forever
Victoria tlah pergi selama-lamanya

Only memories remain
Hanya tinggal kenangan

She passed away
Dia mati

She was so young
Dia masih begitu muda

Without love
Tanpa cinta

Without truth
Tanpa kejujuran

There can be no turning back
Takkan ada jalan kembali

Without faith
Tanpa iman

Without hope
Tanpa asa

There can be no peace of mind
Takkan mungkin ada kedamaian pikiran

As the night went on
Saat malam makin larut

I started to find my way
Mulai kutemukan jalanku

I learned about a tragedy
Kupelajari sebuah tragedi

A mystery still today
Masih misteri sampai kini

I tried to get more answers
Berusaha kutemukan jawaban lebih jelas

But he said, "You're on your own."
Tapi dia berkata, "Kau sendirian."

Then he turned away and left me
Lalu dia berpaling dan tinggalkanku

As I stand there all alone
Saat aku berdiri di situ seorang diri

He said, "You'll know the truth
Dia berkata "Kau kan tahu kenyataannya

As you future days unfold"
Saat hari-harimy yang akan datang terhampar"

Back to V, VI

"Now it is time to see how you died.
"Kini saatnya melihat bagaimana kau mati.

Remember that death is not the end but only a transition."
Ingatlah bahwa kematian bukanlah akhir tapi hanya transisi."

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